Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Chilean Stock Exchange

So after waking up early (after a night at a karaoke bar), we headed to Santiago in order to visit the Chilean Stock Exchange.  We had a nice presentation and video that explained how it worked.  I thought it was cool to see that just about all of the stocks are traded electronically and not really on the floor.  We learned about MILA which is a group of three Latin American countries (Chile, Peru, and Colombia) that trade each others stocks so brokers can buy another country's stocks.  She then lead us to the trading floor which was awesome.  It was empty because just about all of Chile's stocks are traded electronically.  After the stock exchange we went to grab lunch and then went to an incline which gave a great view of the entire city of Santiago.

After the incline, we went to our reggaeton  classes.  I think it is safe to say that I was much better at reggaeton than I was at salsa dancing.  We got back to the hotel went to a mexican restaurant called Margarita for a dinner which had pretty good chimichangas.  We came back and are turning in for an early night in preparation for tomorrow.

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